Eh, Fuck It, Let’s Talk About Death Some More

I've been talking about death a lot lately, so, why stop now?


Regarding My Bros

Over twenty years, I've watched my frat bros become doctors, lawyers, parents. I've even seen two pass away.


Some Mild Thoughts on the Gun Control Debate

Do I really need to say anything about gun control? Well, maybe a few things.


A Supposedly Great Life I’ll Only Live Once

I think too much but sometimes we get reminders from the universe that we need to snap out of it.

Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is odd for me and I can't see that changing any time soon.

It’s Not A Metaphor For Our Relationship

Here's the thing, I think my girlfriend is going to break up with me. Not anytime soon and not for any reason in particular but just perpetually.

Diary of a Month Without Coffee

For some reason, I feel the need to hit the reset button on my caffeine intake. I did it again this February.

Some Thoughts on Thirty-nine

I'm through saying "I'm so old." Frankly, I'm old enough to realize that I'm young.

Terry’s Present

The summer after third grade, my parents hired a contractor to do some work on our house. I learned a lot about adults that summer.


You yell like one of those guys at a baseball game, only you yell about stand-up comedy, not hot dogs or Budweiser. This is barking.

On My Twenty-Ninth Birthday, I Bought a Skateboard

I wrote this a decade ago. I wanted to ollie before I turned 30 but life got in the way. Carpe diem, people.


On Social Media Mourning

I'm not saying this to be a jerk or a contrarian but I never really got David Bowie. I thought all of the tributes were a little over the top but it wasn't my place to say so because I thought about a recent death that did move me. It was Robin Williams.